"A friend asked yesterday if this blog is addressed to anyone in particular? I said yes– it’s a love letter to someone I haven’t met yet."
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
"Follow me"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izU1dDwnuMY - "Follow me" trailer! I watched the movie 2day and it was awesome! Guys are totally crazy! oh, yes, I forgot notice - this is mountain bike film, if you like eXtreme sports it is probably for you :-)
After this movie I realized one more time there is nothing greater in life than make money doing what you love and travel, at least for me :-). I realized I'm missing trevelling a lot! Especially now, when the weather here is so bad, all towns around are "under the water"... And there is so many places that I would love to see: New Zeland, Asia, Australia, Jamaica, Iceland, the north part of Norway and Finland, Russia, Siberia and many many more! Unfortunately I'm feeling stuck here and it's driving me crazy... the worst thing is I have no clue what to do with my summer break, have some ideas but just don't know what would be the best for me. It's all about money! :( I hate it. But I truly believe I am already in a good place - 2 more years and I will be free to do what I dream about and than maybe 2-3 more years and I will say: 'I used to dream about the life I'm living now' haha :-) and if not? no drama, I am very flexible person... but I know what I want and it's good beginning :-)
After this movie I realized one more time there is nothing greater in life than make money doing what you love and travel, at least for me :-). I realized I'm missing trevelling a lot! Especially now, when the weather here is so bad, all towns around are "under the water"... And there is so many places that I would love to see: New Zeland, Asia, Australia, Jamaica, Iceland, the north part of Norway and Finland, Russia, Siberia and many many more! Unfortunately I'm feeling stuck here and it's driving me crazy... the worst thing is I have no clue what to do with my summer break, have some ideas but just don't know what would be the best for me. It's all about money! :( I hate it. But I truly believe I am already in a good place - 2 more years and I will be free to do what I dream about and than maybe 2-3 more years and I will say: 'I used to dream about the life I'm living now' haha :-) and if not? no drama, I am very flexible person... but I know what I want and it's good beginning :-)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
sky is the limit!
It's been pretty tough week but 2day I am proud of myself :-) I did a good job at school last week and I am pretty sure it's gonna be even better! My ambition woke up a bit late, but fortunately - not too late!
So after study hard all week I decide took one day off and just relax in some nice way. Fortunately my bro got his supper dupper extra bike last week so we went to the mountains. It was great! Bike is totally awesome, I got a ride and coulnd't believe how cool this bike is! I met some guys and as I was only one girl they were very nice to me :-) And, oh - I met The Master of Poland - Grzegorz Zieliński, he is awesome, he 'flu' over the path..
I love mountains! Of course I love sea and sand and breeze but I can't imagine to live far from mountains.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I was so surprised when I saw the place we went to - so beautiful and so much like my beloved NORWAY! Unfortunately the weather wasn't that good-too much fog, so I couldn't take any good pic, hopefully next time :-) Poland is beautiful.
I have to say one more thing - LIFE IS AMAZING but I am sure you guys know it!
But if you wanna know why I am so positive I will tell you... SKY IS THE LIMIT! And it's so true!
Just let your mind believe it ;-)
So after study hard all week I decide took one day off and just relax in some nice way. Fortunately my bro got his supper dupper extra bike last week so we went to the mountains. It was great! Bike is totally awesome, I got a ride and coulnd't believe how cool this bike is! I met some guys and as I was only one girl they were very nice to me :-) And, oh - I met The Master of Poland - Grzegorz Zieliński, he is awesome, he 'flu' over the path..
I love mountains! Of course I love sea and sand and breeze but I can't imagine to live far from mountains.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I was so surprised when I saw the place we went to - so beautiful and so much like my beloved NORWAY! Unfortunately the weather wasn't that good-too much fog, so I couldn't take any good pic, hopefully next time :-) Poland is beautiful.
I have to say one more thing - LIFE IS AMAZING but I am sure you guys know it!
But if you wanna know why I am so positive I will tell you... SKY IS THE LIMIT! And it's so true!
Just let your mind believe it ;-)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
a bit dissapointed
I had a plan: 'work for all summer, safe money and then take a trip to Thailand, India or Nepal'. But yesterday evening I realized that maybe I could go to Asia as a vonlontarii. It would be even better for me coz I'd radher do something really helpfuly than entertiment children in some 5 stars hotel in Egipt or Tunesia... Anyway I'm checking the opportunities right now and it looks bad. I can't afford volontarii job right now. I knew it cost me some money, but didn't know it cost A LOT! I think it is a bit weird/crazy that you have to have money if you want to do something good for people that really need it, but at least I try to understand.
Anyway it made me a bit dissapointed... but I just got a couple of little buddhism things from Nepal, a book "The light of Yoga" by B.K.S. IYENGAR - one of the best books about yoga on the market, and 'zafu' - traditional meditation cushion, so believe me or not I'm flying from happiness! Meditates are so comfy now!
And you know what guys? It is truly amazing but I had an edification last night! Couldn't sleep so decide to meditate a bit and focus my mind and it was a good decision. I understood something that was bothering me for last weeks,. OH and it makes me happy.I'm feeling totally free from 'feelings and thoughts' and I like it very much! I can finally focus on my studies, my passion, my dreams and hopes and do not miss anything, this is very important to me. Sometimes you just have to suffer a bit in the beggining to not being hurt more later... THANKS BUDHHA FOR MEDITATE!
Anyway it made me a bit dissapointed... but I just got a couple of little buddhism things from Nepal, a book "The light of Yoga" by B.K.S. IYENGAR - one of the best books about yoga on the market, and 'zafu' - traditional meditation cushion, so believe me or not I'm flying from happiness! Meditates are so comfy now!
And you know what guys? It is truly amazing but I had an edification last night! Couldn't sleep so decide to meditate a bit and focus my mind and it was a good decision. I understood something that was bothering me for last weeks,. OH and it makes me happy.I'm feeling totally free from 'feelings and thoughts' and I like it very much! I can finally focus on my studies, my passion, my dreams and hopes and do not miss anything, this is very important to me. Sometimes you just have to suffer a bit in the beggining to not being hurt more later... THANKS BUDHHA FOR MEDITATE!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Being a Gypsy
I'm sitting in my room on the floor coz I still don't have a bed... It's actually weird, but lately I can see that my happiness and my comfi isn't important to me at all, but I would give a lot to others if I know those things make them happy... It's crazy weather right know, birds are singing but it's going to be storm soon, I can hear thunders...and I love it!
After a very surprisingly exam on Friday and great weekend in Krakow with Nat I have many thoughts in my mind...Last weeks were pretty tough to me, and before talk with my prof and then Nat, I felt a bit down. It's been a bit over 5 months since my very best grandma passed away and I was thinking about her a lot. I miss her every day, but at days like those 'very tough days' I am missing her as hell... She was the strongest women I have ever knew. You could love her or hate her, but never being neutral. She sucrificed A LOT for her love - my grandpa, and for her children. She was the fighter. I remember her last night like it was yesterday. I remember her inert body laying on the floor, the doctor unhopeful eyes and my feelings...I had always a very strong connetion with her, I didin't need to hear ' sorry, grandma is dead' coz I knew it before...
The second sad thing is that my grandpa is very sick and it is very difficult to visiting him and stay ok... to not cry. It's pretty hard look at someone's you love death. And it's pretty hard put on your face mask called 'I am the strongest, no matter what - I will surrvive' just becouse you know people expect it from you and they need you. But this is a time when you can really figure out what is important to you and I guess sometimes we all need something that will push us to change the situation we are stuck in.
The last thing that made me a bit sad and confused last time is 'something inside me that turning back over and over again' and I can't help myself. I would like pack my suitcase and go far, far away but I know I can't. And from previous experience - I know it doesn't help. You can't go away from your feelings, it would be too easy...and I am not the person who run away when some problems came - at least - not anymore.
Anyway I have to say I AM THE LUCKY ONE. Always when I feel down I meet the person who helping me. And on Friday, when I had a very tough exam, very bad night behind me and I was pretty scared and felt like a shit - my prof told me a few important things that totally change my way of thinking. And there is nothing better than a good prof who believe in you, not only as a his pupil, but also as a person.
And then the weekend with Nat. She is one of the best person I have ever met, and probably the nicest on earth! Since I miss traveling so much, I was very happy I could leave my home town for a while and visited Krakow - the most beautiful and charming city in Poland. After a very long talk with Nat about life, love, happiness, our dreams and worries, plans and hopes I understood how lucky am I. I am happy with who I am and this is very important to me. I don't have to prove anything to anyone. I don't have to act 'crazy' (stupid) every night to be sure I am a cool girl - becouse I simply know that and don't need confirm it in that way. And even I can't run away from things that make me sad, I understand - 'this is the life'. I think my granma would be proud of me right now. She always said I am a gypsy - and I am pretty sure she was right. I probably got it from her. I can't live in one place. I love knowing new people and discovering new places. I am open and broad minded and always curious about new things. I love travel more than anything else. Sometimes it scares me coz I am not sure if I would be able to have a normal family... But I shouldn't wonder about it too much! There is still so many places to visit, so many people to meet, so many pic to take and emotions to catch and so many stories to hear...and this is what I love :-) And this is what keep me going every day with a smile on my face!:) And of course my family and friends - it's amazing that some people come to my country just becouse they know me and they want to see Poland and how people live here. I am pretty sure there is nothing more I could dream about!
'Cause I'm a gypsy are you coming with me?
I might steal your clothes and wear them if they fit me
Never made agreements just like a gypsy
And I won't back down 'cause life's already bit me
And I won't cry I'm too young to die if you're gonna quit me
'Cause I'm gypsy
After a very surprisingly exam on Friday and great weekend in Krakow with Nat I have many thoughts in my mind...Last weeks were pretty tough to me, and before talk with my prof and then Nat, I felt a bit down. It's been a bit over 5 months since my very best grandma passed away and I was thinking about her a lot. I miss her every day, but at days like those 'very tough days' I am missing her as hell... She was the strongest women I have ever knew. You could love her or hate her, but never being neutral. She sucrificed A LOT for her love - my grandpa, and for her children. She was the fighter. I remember her last night like it was yesterday. I remember her inert body laying on the floor, the doctor unhopeful eyes and my feelings...I had always a very strong connetion with her, I didin't need to hear ' sorry, grandma is dead' coz I knew it before...
The second sad thing is that my grandpa is very sick and it is very difficult to visiting him and stay ok... to not cry. It's pretty hard look at someone's you love death. And it's pretty hard put on your face mask called 'I am the strongest, no matter what - I will surrvive' just becouse you know people expect it from you and they need you. But this is a time when you can really figure out what is important to you and I guess sometimes we all need something that will push us to change the situation we are stuck in.
The last thing that made me a bit sad and confused last time is 'something inside me that turning back over and over again' and I can't help myself. I would like pack my suitcase and go far, far away but I know I can't. And from previous experience - I know it doesn't help. You can't go away from your feelings, it would be too easy...and I am not the person who run away when some problems came - at least - not anymore.
Anyway I have to say I AM THE LUCKY ONE. Always when I feel down I meet the person who helping me. And on Friday, when I had a very tough exam, very bad night behind me and I was pretty scared and felt like a shit - my prof told me a few important things that totally change my way of thinking. And there is nothing better than a good prof who believe in you, not only as a his pupil, but also as a person.
And then the weekend with Nat. She is one of the best person I have ever met, and probably the nicest on earth! Since I miss traveling so much, I was very happy I could leave my home town for a while and visited Krakow - the most beautiful and charming city in Poland. After a very long talk with Nat about life, love, happiness, our dreams and worries, plans and hopes I understood how lucky am I. I am happy with who I am and this is very important to me. I don't have to prove anything to anyone. I don't have to act 'crazy' (stupid) every night to be sure I am a cool girl - becouse I simply know that and don't need confirm it in that way. And even I can't run away from things that make me sad, I understand - 'this is the life'. I think my granma would be proud of me right now. She always said I am a gypsy - and I am pretty sure she was right. I probably got it from her. I can't live in one place. I love knowing new people and discovering new places. I am open and broad minded and always curious about new things. I love travel more than anything else. Sometimes it scares me coz I am not sure if I would be able to have a normal family... But I shouldn't wonder about it too much! There is still so many places to visit, so many people to meet, so many pic to take and emotions to catch and so many stories to hear...and this is what I love :-) And this is what keep me going every day with a smile on my face!:) And of course my family and friends - it's amazing that some people come to my country just becouse they know me and they want to see Poland and how people live here. I am pretty sure there is nothing more I could dream about!
'Cause I'm a gypsy are you coming with me?
I might steal your clothes and wear them if they fit me
Never made agreements just like a gypsy
And I won't back down 'cause life's already bit me
And I won't cry I'm too young to die if you're gonna quit me
'Cause I'm gypsy
Sunday, May 2, 2010
I haven't slept for more than 30 hours... but I am feeling ok. Right now I just can't sleep. My neighbour's dog barks all the time and it doesn't help.. .anyway - my mind is too busy for sleep... I went for the barbecue party yesterday to the girl I met long time ago in Business School. It wasn't a big party, just a few people, and it was nice...but I've realized something and it made me a bit sad..
...I made a mistake some time ago...
...you don't appreciate something until you lose it...
... if you find something/someone/ unique in your life - be happy and try to keep it as long as possible...
and now I am going to do something productive! :-)
...I made a mistake some time ago...
...you don't appreciate something until you lose it...
... if you find something/someone/ unique in your life - be happy and try to keep it as long as possible...
and now I am going to do something productive! :-)
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