It's windy and cloudy now, and it's going to be storm very soon I think...so it's good time to tell you about my lovely weekend! On Saturday my very best polish friend visited me. As we both were very busy earlier, I couldn't see her at my b-day. But fortunately we met at the weekend and I got very nice gift - wine, chocolate and a green frog that suppose to become my 'prince' when I kiss her...should I try? We drunk beers out, the weather was great and I finally could talk with someone who think about world and life the way I do... And on Sunday I went with my bro to Wisła - nice polish town, where we watched the Downhill mountain bike racing - was great! I'm truly in love with this sport and can't wait when my bro get his supper dupper brand new bike! And I realized how much I miss my "norwegian sykkel's adventures" ... But now it's time to study hard and in 2 weeks Nat is comming and we are going to hit the Krakow's Clubs! And one more thing - I got invitation for a home party next weekend, of course I said 'yes, I will be there' but I'm not sure if it's good idea...anyway, we will see:-)
Living in my home town after a few years abround is pretty hard. I don't like the way polish people think, and sometimes I do not like the way they act. Poland is a lovely and charming country and people are nice but... this is an ilussion that you can see when you are the visitor, when you live here - you have a different opinion. The only positive think that keep me going nowedays is summer break and hope I will go abroud... I need this feeling when you know you are FREE.. becouse, I'm afraid I'm lying myself.
And I don't have a bed in my room so I have to sleep on the floor! I don't have even a mattress! But I don't give a shit, who cares about stuff like BED?! haha
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