Friday, February 18, 2011

'Girl, you got to change your crazy ways, You hear me'

thats what i heard from one of my professors at first year of my studies..i didint change my 'crazy way of thinking' and at the end i got A from the exam with that guy...we shouldnt change ourself just becouse somebody wants it, or just becouse u dont suit to the surroundings...

my sickness took over 2 weeks, really annoying if you have to spend ur time off in bed... also, i hate that i cant control my body and mind when im sick. mostly i was fucking physically tired and my mind was joking with me by having 'flashbacks' to the times i dont wanna remember and to the people i shouldnt been ever met... luckily i survived and im getting better.
went to school yesterday and 2 day and i was pretty surprise... even that my school schedule is crazy (some days im having lectures from 8am -7pm, and that means i have to wake up at 5 and be back home after 8) im gonna have pretty cool lectures. i've already had music and art classes and i loved it! we made some instruments and then we played on those, we danced, sang and also learnt how to relax and breath properly. next week we will play the real instrument, and i will try the little drum!
the art classes are going to be cool as well, we will paint, draw, and try every kind of art express.
we are also having lectures about 'the healthy life style' (diet and training), how to speak properly and some other stuff.

seems to be cool!

ps and i will play 'the snow princess' at performance we are doing for kids! lol....

1 comment:

  1. Hej,hej
    wybacz,ze dopiero teraz odp. Pytalas skad jestem-urodzilam sie i mieszkam w Wawie :) ale nie wiem skad Ty jestes ?
    Jasne, na pewno ktoregos dnia umowimy sie wFinlandii na wspolne imprezowanie-juz ja tego dopilnuje :D

    Co w ogole studiujesz ? Twoj kierunek wydaje sie byc BARDZO interesujacy :)!
