Saturday, January 21, 2012

good bye post.

listening to 'one last goodbye' and thinking what to say...
for last few years i tried to learn how to get a distance to my emotions but 2 day i failed.
i realized that this battle i have to win by myself and no one can help me. and no one really cares.
i made so many mistakes, but mostly becouse I CARE, i cared to much and i paid. nowedays i just have to be more selfish and switch off 'the feeling button'.
and i swear to myself i will do anything i have to do to reach my goal.
there is nothing left to share behind my blue eyes now, but there is still a lot behind closed doors and some day i will be back;)
wish me luck!


  1. Aniu, ja dobrze rozumiem ? Konczysz pisanie ?!

  2. Na pewno bedziemy :) ja rowniez lubilam Twoj blog! I ciesze sie,ze na Ciebie trafilam. Wierze , ze w zyciu nic nie dzieje sie przez przypadek. Moc usciskow :*
