Sunday, March 14, 2010


After long talk with the very best person I just can't stop thinking about LOVE...What does "falling in love" mean? Or what it means "to love someone"? And the question that's bothering me the most - what LOVE means to me? Would I be able to sucrifice myself for love?

Just a few weeks ago I said "I would do anything for love... and... I would sacrifice anything for unconditional love" ...but 2day? I'm still looking for the answer...and I'm wondering what "anything" means?

I don't believe in "crazy love" coz I know the line between love and craziness is very thin...and it's easy to cross the border...and I do not believe in words, coz it's easy to say them...
I am able to believe in "mature, adult love" with TRUST and UNDERSTANDING... and I do believe in "no matter what you say but who you are and how you act..."

...and just a few days ago I have written on this blog "I do not believe in love anymore"...but now I'm wondering...maybe I believe in love but don't believe in people? Love is all around - love is easy...but people make it complicated.
We can't fight for love, we can't take it easy...we make mistakes and we regret them quickly...trying to right the wrong but sometimes it's just too late... becouse the truth is it's not enough to find the RIGHT PERSON, but the place and the time need to be RIGHT too...

Nowadays I am sure I wouldn't be able to sucrifice my passions, my dreams and the way I am and how I see the world for love... but still - I could do A LOT - but the question is: does true love mean to sacrifice for someone we love?


  1. On Saturday, you wrote about HOPE. On Sunday, you did the same with LOVE. The conclusion is: we should keep the FAITH and maybe, someday it will happen to us. Love you, Girl. Loads of kisses,

  2. A ja ci powiem, ze poswiecenie tak, ale do pewnych granic. Bo w milosci najwazniejsze jest, zeby znalezc zloty srodek i jednoczesnie siebie nie zatracic. Bo gdy oddamy siebie bezgranicznie, szybko sie drugiej osobie znudzimy.

    Tego mnie zycie nauczylo - wlasne doswiadczenia, obserwacje, no i co jak co, ale z 3.5-letniego zwiazku tez cos moge powiedziec.

  3. Na pewno istnieje cos takiego jak pojscie na kompromis..ale zeby od razu wszystko dla nowej osoby juz nie jest dobre...Bo nie daj Boze cos wydarzy sie w waszym zyciu i zerwiecie ze soba,to wtedy osoba , ktora rzucila swoje pasje,zostaje bez niczego.
    Jezeli ktos Cie pokocha,to musi przyjac Cie do swojego zycia z kazda z Twoich pasji i je po prostu zaakceptowac.
