Thursday, March 4, 2010

the story of her life

Once upon a time there was a girl...full of love and positive energy...people loved her and she loved people. She's been living in small village for all her childhood but she wasn't 100% happy... she was like a betterfly without wings there.. At her 18 she decided to leave the village as soon as she finish her school, what she did. She was travelling, meeting people, doing crazy but positive stuff. She belonged to world and loved her life. She was free...and then about time she needed to move again. But before that, she decided to visit home for a little while. The trip took few days and it was the most wonderful time in her life. She met a guy and she felt into him. Unfortunately they both realized the trip is going to end very soon. He had his plans, and she couldn't change hers...but they really like each other so decided to keep in touch. Week after week she likes him more...counted the days till see him again...And one day when she truly realized how much she is into him...but there was a little thing, little stupid thing that she forgot about... At the same day the guy told her that he doesn't want to know her anymore...her heart exploded into milion pieces...after some time, when she could catch her breatch again, she realized the only thing she needs now is her family. The best family ever. She decided to go home... but even there, she felt lost. She couldn't stay - it was too diffcult to her - she had to go away... chose one of the countries that she never wanted to go before. She wanted stay away from people, parties and any opportunity to meet cool guys. She didin't want to be in love again... but the place she had chosen for her new life was wonderful and she met many nice folks... she started trevelling and going out.. and of course she couldn't stay away from guys.. she met many nice guys but liked just one. A guy she could talk with, guy with good personality and pasions.. And everything would be great but... there was still one problem - her past. Soon she realized that the feeling she had before it was NOTHING , but at the same time she couldn't forget how hard it might be at the end.. so she missed her change to be happy again and later on couldn't understand why she was so took her a long time to realized she wasn't stupid at all...she just wanted safe her heart...but probably chose the wrong way to do it...

This story is sad but might be a good lesson of life. Past always influence our present and future. But we shouldn't been stuck there. We are looking for a love but at the same time we are afraid of getting hurt...and probably this is a reason why people are choosing one night stand insted of normal relationship...


  1. Widzisz... Doskonale cie rozumiem, ale jednoczesnie niezbyt.
    Bo co racja to racja, doswiadczenia nas zmieniaja i wplywaja na nasze terazniejsze i przyszle decyzje, ale nie wolno dac sie im poniesc - w koncu to, ze kiedys bylo zle, nie znaczy wcale, ze tym razem tez tak bedzie! Sama jestem tego przykladem.
    Czasami warto zaryzykowac.

  2. wiem Emi, ja rozumiem Ciebie i chcialabym czasami cofnac czas...ale z drugiej strony kazdy krok nas czegos uczy, nie wykorzystamy jesdnej szansy ale moze bedziemy wiedziec co zrobic gdy pojawi sie nastepna:-)

  3. You can love more the one person in your life. You could be happy with more then one. I don't really belive in The One. It's just a matter of coincidence.
    But on the other hand if you are destin you find your way.
