Friday, December 16, 2011

like a little girl..

2day at 5pm Im begining one of the most amazing and important trip of my life and what?  Im having terrible cold and feeling like a little girl who stamp one's feets and scream "it's not fair, mammy it's not fair! I was a good girl!" becouse she can't do anythig else...
so annoying when everything's going well and then, in one day, everything's change and you have no idea how to deal with lemon that life gives you. In Poland we say "if life gives you lemon ask for vodka and make cytrynówka" ;) funny but true.
2days ago I promised to myself never ever let anyone bring me down and doubt about my dreams. I also promised to never give up my plans and dreams.
And there is NO WAY that stupid cold could stop me from fulfilling my long term dream. Since the medicines doesn't work I decided to try warm beer with raspberry juice and if this won't work I will drink vodka! (russian always says vodka is the best for cold, but for them vodka is the best for everything).

Let see what will happen, wish me luck!

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